Sunday, March 8, 2020

Depression essays

Depression essays Depression describes feelings of sadness, emptiness, and grief which most people experience at some point in their lives. There are hundreds of treatments. The severity, type, and treatment are as different as each individual. Clinical depression is a form of mental illnesss which unlike normal sadness or grief, is of longer duration and significantly impairs the individual's ability to lead a normal life. Reactive depression occurs following a traumatic life event, such as job loss, divorce, or death of a loved one. The depression is more intence than would be reasonable for normal grief of unhappiness. Post natal depression is a serious disorder affecting about 10% of mothers after childbirth. Symtoms are more severe and last longer than in baby blues, bipolar disorder ( manic depression) involves periods of mania involving extreme happiness hyperactivity, rapid speech, a total lach of inhibition, and in more severe cases, delusions of grandeur. (Health Point Depression Pg. 1 ) Brain cells talk to each other by means of chemical messangers. When a person is exposed to too much stress, chemical communication in the brain begins to fail. When these messengers fail a person suffers from sleep disturbances, aches and pains, depression and anxiety. This condition is called overstress. Overstress runs rampant in certain families. Studies have shown that a persons' stress tolerance is determined by his inheritance. The levels of stress in our society will only increase. It is important for each of us to learn to deal with stress now. ( Health Education Stress , Depression, Anxiey, Drug use Pg. 2) Depression not otherwise specified some professionls portray this category as a garbage pail diagnostic category for depression. If someone is obviously depressed, but does not fit into any of the other categories, then this diagnosis is made. However, it is not a garbage pail, but provides a valuable way to cate...